How to participate in farm

Liquidity mining on OpenOcean refers to the act of providing liquidity by users (Liquidity Providers) supplying token pairs to pools, in return staking LP can earn a reward of OOE token.

How to add liquidity?

1. Go to OpenOcean and click “Farm & Vault” under "$OOE" dropdown list.

2. Choose the Farm Pool that you desire to supply liquidity, connect your wallet, then click any pool you want to supply.

3. Enter the desired amount you wish to supply and "Approve" tokens, then click "Supply", and "Confirm Supply".

Note: the token pair must be of equal value according to the token pair ratio in the pool. Once you enter an amount of one of the tokens, the system will automatically calculate the corresponding amount of the other one. Make sure you have sufficient amounts in your wallet for the token pair.

4. After confirming the transaction fee in your wallet, it will show the transaction has been submitted. You have successfully added liquidity.

5. After adding liquidity, you will see your LP token balance at the bottom.

How to stake LP Token to earn OOE?

  1. Click the “Farms & Vault” on the top, and select the LP Token.

2. Choose the right Farm, then click “Deposit” to stake LP Token and enter the amount of LP Tokens you would like to farm, then click "Confirm". Then make sure confirm the transaction fee on your wallet. The example below will use “OOE-BNB”.

3. Once confirming the transaction fee on the wallet, you will see your new staked LP Tokens and your OOE rewards over time.

How to claim earned OOE to wallet?

You can click “Harvest” to collect your OOE rewards. Click the Harvest button and confirm the fee in your wallet. After a short wait, you will see the OOE claimed to your wallet.

How to remove LP Tokens from Farming?

The “Withdraw” button is to remove staked LP Tokens. Your rewards and the LP tokens will return to your wallet automatically.

How to remove LP from Liquidity Pool?

  1. Visit "Pools" and click the drop-down icon in “Your Liquidity”.

2. Review the detail of your liquidity and click “Remove”.

3. Choose the amount you would like to remove, and click “Approve” then “Remove".

4. Make sure to check the amount of tokens you will receive, and click “Confirm” on the page and in your connected wallet.

Last updated