Swap on Aptos

How to bridge assets to Aptos

1. Visit Aptos Bridge: https://theaptosbridge.com/bridge

2. On Aptos Bridge page, choose the network you would like to bridge from and connect your wallets. Here we take the BSC Chain as an example. After the wallets are connected, enter the asset and amount to bridge.

3. Once you confirm your bridge details, your connected wallet will pop up and request to confirm. After confirming on your wallet, you have completed bridging your assets to Aptos.

4. After bridging, you have to manually claim to complete the transfer of assets.

PC Version

  1. Visit OpenOcean.Finance website on your PC browser and click "Launch dApp", and click "Connect Wallet" on the top right corner.

  2. Choose Aptos Network and click any wallet you want to choose (here take Martian Wallet as an example).

  3. Martian Wallet will prompt the window and request to "Approve" connecting the wallet to OpenOcean.

  4. After approving from your wallet and switching to Aptos network, you will see your wallet address connected on the top. Ta-da, it's all set to do swaps!

Last updated