Swap on Linea

PC Version

  1. Visit OpenOcean.Finance website on your PC browser and click "Launch dApp", and click "Connect Wallet" on the top right corner.

  1. Choose Linea Network and click any wallet you want to choose (here take Metamask an example).

  1. MetaMask Wallet will prompt the window and request to "Approve" adding Linea Network to your wallet or “Switch network” to Linea if you’ve connected this chain before

  1. After approving from your wallet and switching to Linea network, you will see your wallet address connected on the top. Ta-da, it's all set to do swaps!

Mobile Version

  1. Visit OpenOcean.Finance website on your mobile browser and click "Launch dApp". Next, click the chain list on the top right corner and choose Linea.

  2. Click "Connect Wallet" on the bottom right corner and then select "MetaMask" on the pop-up WalletConnect. To add Linea Network to your wallet, you need to fill out the following chain info in the "Custom Networks" . Network Name: Linea

    RPC URL: https://rpc.goerli.linea.build/

    Chain ID: 59140

    Currency Symbol: ETH

    Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.goerli.linea.build/

  3. After approving from your wallet and switching to Linea Chain, you will see your wallet address connected on the bottom. It's all set to do swaps!

Last updated